Meanwhile, my brother Gene (not actual size)

had broken up with his girlfriend, Michelle (still not actual size).

Michelle decided to join me in my plan, so we got ready to leave California.

I was alerted to the fact that my parents were in prison,

and no, that is not a bedroom photograph of me and Ziad.
In any event, in prison, it seems they had become kingpins

of an elaborate barter system involving Kirkland products.

And actually, Kirkland tuna is specifically what I dreamt.
Whatever, here's Charlie.

Rather than steal away to super duper New York with Michelle

I stayed behind and provided Kirkland stuff

to my incarcerated parents.

I was involved in some sort of women's rugby game

or at least some sort of British pastime where women beat the fuck out of each other.

I didn't know how to play

so instead, I set my sights on a huge chick from the opposite team

and proceeded to beat the living fuck out of her.

She loved it.

Haha, that looks like me!

My friend Dan (not actual potatoe)

was the referee

which doesn't seem that strange unless you know Dan.

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