that was mandatory for my degree; Drawing for Architecture.

Why? You tell me.

One of my classmates was Jenny,

my best friend from high school with whom I managed to have two ugly breakups.

I had missed the first class, but apparently, the whole thing was only two sessions.

The one session I did attend, I spent the whole time bullshitting with Jenny.

I did no homework and did not pay attention and was getting an F.

Jenny came to see me at the restaurant where I was chef. (That's totally me.)

I gotta stop reading The Tony before bed.

I told her that I would be right with her, as soon as I wrapped up with my sous-chef,

but instead, I flaked on her to try to complete my homework.

My first assignment was passing some sort of haunted house thing

that featured Jafar.
My second assignment was taking sexy pictures of myself wearing some kind of slutty red dress.

My third assignment had to do with a clandestine tea club
that met on the same floor as my classroom.

Then it was time for graduation,

and I was back my high school’s foyer. (That's basically what it looked like.)

The one former classmate I managed to recognize was hilariously skulleted,

albeit not as hilariously as my arch-nemesis, Skulletor.

Jenny was mad at me for bringing down her grade and flaking on her

and I’m pretty sure I told her to fuck herself.

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