and a mild crush, nay, fascination, nay obsession with Jackson Publick,

creator of, well, you know,

I haven't paid much mind to Doc Hammer,

the other creator of the show, who incidentally, looks a lot less like a fruit bat nowadays, but that was the first picture that popped up.
Anyway, last night, I dreamt that while parking my car at work, I stumbled upon Astrobase Go

in Potrero Hill

where I do not work. Nor do they. They are in Manhattan

(with towers, apparently.)
In any event, they lived and worked in this space that I stumbled upon, which of course, is false, as they are on another coast and they certainly don't live together, being grownups.

So in my dream, I attempted to chat up the enigmatic Jackson
who was shy and slightly unfriendly (by all accounts not true).
Then I was spotted by Doc

who proceeded to chat me up and was very excited to meet an actual goth girl

in San Francisco

(which I am not, really, despite my tendency to wear black and hang around with unsavory types).
And in my dream, I fell in big like with him

and then my alarm clock

went off (for real) with Fighteous by Steroid Maximus

which, of course, is the theme song for, well you know,

and I was totally mortified

but it was ok.
Eventually, I woke up.
And I know every Venture Fanboy

has a boner for Doc's ex-wife Lisa

who does the voice of Triana

but I kind of hate her a little.

Also, this seems like a good place to note that nowhere in my dream did I have a moustache

and here's a random picture of Charles Napier.

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